GeoCAAB is a software developed to bring the geosynthetic liner industry into the digital age.
GeoCAAB™ was developed with the field end-user in mind, built with practical tools and functions to make the software easy to use and accessible to anyone via the cloud. By automating the installation phase with GeoCAAB™, the industry as a whole instantaneously evolves from a redundant, antiquated practice to a more resourceful ecosystem.
All stakeholders in a geosynthetic lined venture will be able to leverage this technological enhancement. From owners, regulators and engineers to materials manufacturers, equipment producers and installation contractors. By digitizing previously hand-written data collection methods and integrating automated quality checks, GeoCAAB™ is able to save time in the field and streamlines data reporting for project submittals on the backend.
Once this simple software integration is deployed, users are also left with a complex Data Warehouse that can be cyclically leveraged for boundless process improvements and efficiencies.

GeoCAAB was first developed to service teams in the geosynthetics industry by providing faster, more accurate QA/QC.
Since then, while the geosynthetics industry has largely stagnated, GeoCAAB users have thrived. Identifying opportunities to reduce destructive testing and improve efficiency on installs, taking on larger projects with unmatched speed and accuracy.
Today, GeoCAAB is a trusted software used by IAGI-certified contractors, engineers, and CQA professionals alike.